CASE FILE 39 - The Whitwick Case

On 27th April, 1992, EMUFORA received a telephone call from Mr Keith Partner of Whitwick, Leicestershire, who wished to report a UFO sighting. Two days later, my wife - Carole and I travelled down to interview the two witnesses involved - Mr Partner and a female friend of the family - Delsia of Whitwick, Leicestershire too.

We interviewed Keith first, in his home. He told us that on the morning of 20th April, 1992 at 4:30am, he escorted Delsia through the leisure centre sports-grounds which his house backs onto, to her home, which is by access from the far end of the sports-ground.

When they arrived at the tennis courts, they sat on a nearby bench and discussed private matters. Keith looked up toward the sky and noticed what he thought to be a round black cloud, high in the sky. The unusual roundness of the cloud immediately caught his attention. After approximately half a minute, the cloud started to descend. By this time he realised that it was not a cloud, but a solid object. He turned to Delsia and told her that a UFO was coming down directly above them. They both looked up and by this time the object was only 50 to 60ft above them.

Keith described the object as a black disc shape, approximately 50ft in diameter. There were no lights on the object and no sounds coming from it. It remained stationary above them, and they had the sensation that it was watching them.

Keith and Delsia were both terrified and flede, in panic, up towards the main high road where Delsia lives. As they ran, Keith, who was about ten yards behind Delsia turned and looked back at the UFO, he got a clear side view of the craft, it appeared to be dome shaped at the top, and saw that it was slowly following them. Keith told Delsia not to cross the main road but to keep the houses between them and the object. They crossed the road further along near DelsiaÆs house.

When they reached DelsiaÆs door, they looked across the road to see if they could see the object. A bright street lamp shone directly towards them, making the sky behind too dark to see anything in the sky. DelsiaÆs twenty year old daughter let them in, and they were both in a state of shock and couldnÆt stop shaking. Whilst Delsia had acup of tea, to calm her, Keith and a friend who was staying at DelsiaÆs named George, looked out of the bedroom window (which looks over the sports-ground) and although they used binoculars couldnÆt spot the object.

No more than thirty minutes later Keith decided to go home, using the main road instead of taking the shortcut. Delsia, fearing for his safety, accompanied him. The walk back to his house took only ten minutes, but when they arrived, the time was 6:30am. After calculation, they had lost 50-60 minutes of time, which cannot be accounted for.

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